About Us
Fascinating Rhythm
Fascinating Rhythm is a successful Bristol-based Ladies Barbershop Chorus, with over 50 singing members.
Traditional Barbershop has four singing parts. These range from the highest voice, Tenor, down the scale through Lead, Baritone to the bottom with the Bass section.
We also delight in singing other styles which can have us spilt down further to include Soprano and Alto voice parts.
We are a fun, dynamic and successful chorus, started over 25 years ago. We love to sing and perform at every opportunity. This includes in competitions, shows, weddings, and events.
Fascinating Rhythm
We strive for musical excellence through regular rehearsal and dedication from our members, but we are about so much more than singing as our strapline suggests. We recognise the value of teamwork, extended social networks, peer support and the all-important health benefits of being with like-minded people and singing.
We are proud and successful members of LABBS (Ladies Association of British Barbershop Singers) and take part each year in the national convention. This barbershop competition sees over 40 choruses taking part from across the UK. We also benefit from high-level education provided by LABBS. From singing to music, performance to club management, LABBS provide an annual rolling program of events, training and access to high-level coaching.
You will find us singing wherever we can, at local and national events. A typical year will see us perform several full shows, perform at local and national competitions, and host harmony workshops and educational events.
Fascinating Rhythm supports various charities through singing, and each year we dedicate our efforts to a chosen Charity of the Year.
For this, we will also provide a full concert, free of charge to the Charity to assist in their fundraising activities.
We take great pride in everything we undertake and mark our success down to teamwork, passion and willingness to make a difference. From every singing member to the teams that make up our chorus’s smooth running, every booking and concert to those charities and groups we collaborate with – all undertaken with care, commitment, and consideration.
Singing is for Everyone
Whatever age
Between our Junior Chorus and the principal Fascinating Rhythm Chorus, we have ladies of all ages from 7 to 60 plus.
Whether you are looking to join the junior group or the ladies group, a warm welcome awaits you. We pride ourselves on creating a safe and nurturing space to explore your vocal abilities and grow as singers.
In the main Fascinating Rhythm Chorus, with top-level, weekly coaching and training provided by the Musical Director and music team, you will be able to build on your musical knowledge, improve your vocal technique and completely immerse yourself in the art of authentic performance. Not to mention the thrill of being part of the Fascinating Rhythm wall of sound – “I will never forget my first visit to Fascinating Rhythm, mind-blowing harmonies delivered with such ease!”.
All the learning that takes place in the main group is effortlessly transferred over to our junior choir thanks to the dedication and commitment of the ladies involved in both groups. We are incredibly proud of the Junior FR girls whose work ethic is as high as the leading group, and they really push themselves to be fresh, modern, excellent singers – catch them whilst they are young! We hope we have a succession of talented young people to join the main ranks as we go.
Junior FR
Junior FR was formed by some of the Mums in Fascinating Rhythm who knew that their daughters also loved singing.
Through singing and being part of the chorus it has given many of the youngsters added confidence and purpose.
They are a dedicated and growing group who enjoy getting together for rehearsals and performances.
Like Fascinating Rhythm, you will find them singing wherever they can, at local and national events, quite often supporting the senior chorus.
The highlight of any singing year is when Junior FR and Fascinating Rhythm are able to come together to sing.
Junior FR has stolen the show on more than one occasion, and it is such an honour and privilege to share the stage with them.