OTR | Off The Record Logo

Introducing our Charity of the Year 2024 – OFF THE RECORD (OTR)

All young people deserve to receive timely mental health support that is relevant to their needs, gives them meaningful choices, and equips them with tools and skills that will last a lifetime. This has never been more relevant than in our communities today and is at the heart of what Off the Record aims to provide for young people aged 11-25 in Bristol, South Gloucestershire and North Somerset. 

They offer a variety of projects to promote good mental health and well-being and empower young people to support themselves and their communities. However, they’re not just a charity providing mental health services – they’re a social movement mobilising to support, promote and defend young people’s mental health, rights and social position. OTR is free, confidential and self-referral – they give young people a choice and a voice.

We are delighted to support OTR this year and hope to hold several events throughout the year that will not only raise funds for this wonderful cause but also hope to use our skills and knowledge to add value to this organisation. Research reveals that group singing not only helps forge social bonds but also does so remarkably quickly, acting as an excellent icebreaker and helping those feeling isolated or anxious.  Community singing has also been shown to be effective for bonding large groups, making it an ideal behaviour to improve our broader social networks. This is particularly valuable in today’s often alienating world, where many young people’s social interactions are conducted remotely via Facebook and Twitter.

People feel more positive and uplifted after actively singing, and the improvement in mood comes, in part, from the release of positive neurochemicals such as β-endorphin, dopamine, and serotonin. 

For all these reasons, we hope to offer singing opportunities (workshops, performance opportunities, fun sessions) for staff and young people connected to OTR during the year. We hope this partnership allows us to share the benefits of group singing and teach skills that will be long-lasting and beneficial to all involved.

Fascinating Rhythms Charity of the Year

If you would like to make a donation, please head to our Just Giving page.


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