First ever chorus retreat!

First ever chorus retreat!

So on a beautiful weekend in April, Fascinating Rhythm wound our way to a very sunny Swindon for our first ever retreat! In a nutshell – The sun shone. The food (and cake) was excellent and plentiful. The wedding was beautiful. The pool and spa were restful, and...
Junior FR Success!

Junior FR Success!

 Thornbury Eisteddfod 2018 This year, we were determined to get things 100% right – so lots of plans were put into place to make our journey to the competition the best it could be. Solos – six Junior FR girls decided to take part in the Thornbury solo...
Workshop 2018 certainly shines!

Workshop 2018 certainly shines!

2018 Workshop was the best yet! On Saturday 24th February, we were excited to welcome 50 delegates to this year’s workshop. We were able to showcase a few of our songs, then the delegates were firstly given a vocal warm-up, they were then split into their voice...

Winston’s Wish Cheque Presentation

We were delighted that on Thursday 15th February we were able to present a cheque of £572.31 to Winston’s Wish, our charity of the year for 2017. Sophie Birch, Regional Fundraising & Events Officer, from the charity, was able to visit the chorus and she...

Our own Fascinating Wedding!

So we are delighted to introduce to you, Mr & Mrs Thorn The wedding was perfect, the love and happiness was so strong in the room that you could feel it. Jo looked stunning and Steve wore a permanent grin along with the dapper suit! They were surrounded by special...